Training PACS

Strengthening PACS Through the New Extensionist Model

The Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) are the backbone of rural financial systems, providing crucial credit and services to small and marginal farmers. Recognizing their pivotal role, FEED Academy has developed specialized training programs to equip PACS with the knowledge and tools to adopt the New Extensionist Model. This model focuses on modernizing agricultural practices, enhancing productivity, and fostering sustainable development in rural communities.
Importance of PACS in Rural Economies

The Vital Role of PACS

PACS are essential for the economic stability of rural areas, offering financial support and services that small and marginal farmers rely on. However, to meet the evolving challenges of modern agriculture, PACS need to integrate advanced practices and strategies that align with current agricultural trends.

Comprehensive Training for PACS

FEED Academy’s training program for PACS covers:

Agricultural Best Practices

Introducing modern techniques to increase yield and sustainability.

Financial Management

Enhancing the financial literacy of PACS members to better manage funds and resources.

Advisory Services

Training on how to offer valuable advice to farmers, including crop planning and risk management.

Government Schemes

Educating PACS on how to navigate and leverage various government programs for the benefit of their members.