40.9% of farmers reported experiencing droughts, while 32.6% faced excessive rains, leading to substantial crop losses.
Assessing exposure to extreme weather events, impacts on crop production, and the extent of losses.
Evaluating the availability and adoption of climate-resilient adaptation strategies from government schemes and community responses.
Providing data-driven insights and policy recommendations for resilience-building and livelihood preservation.
Analyzing land use patterns, land leasing practices, access to irrigation, and crop diversity among marginal farmers.
Examining the dependency on activities allied to agriculture and non-farm occupations to supplement farm income.
Highlighting issues in access to credit, purchase of inputs, and sale of output through government procurement agencies and other marketing channels.
Assessing the effectiveness of existing government programs and policies supporting marginal farmers through extension services, subsidies, and direct cash transfers.
Understanding the perspectives of marginal farmers on the future of small farms amidst changing climatic conditions and sustainable farming practices.
Office Unit No.1 C.S-2, Neeti Bagh, New Delhi-110049
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